Google My Business Suspended Or Disabled?

Professional Google My Business Suspended Profile.We provide solutions to reinstate your suspended listing.

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About Us

We are a team of dedicated professionals specializing in resolving suspended Google My Business profiles. With years of experience and a deep understanding of Google's guidelines and policies, we have successfully helped numerous businesses regain control of their online presence.

Our mission is to provide tailored solutions to each unique situation. We analyze the specific issues causing profile suspensions and implement effective strategies to rectify them. We work diligently to ensure your business is back online promptly, minimizing any disruption to your visibility and potential loss of customers.

Google My Business Packages Include

  • Put Your Business On The Map
  • 100% Optimized GMB Page
  • Basic Keyword Research
  • Basic Citation Building
  • Optimized Titles, Descriptions, Hours
  • Image Optimization
  • Alt Text Optimization
  • Unique Keyword Rich Content
  • Verified Local Business
  • GMB Review Funnel
  • Hyper Local Map / GEO Targeting
  • Generate More Leads and Sales

Reasons for Google My Business Suspension

Violation of Google’s Guidelines

One of the primary reasons for a GMB suspension is the violation of Google’s guidelines. Google has specific policies in place to ensure the accuracy and integrity of business information on its platform. Common violations include creating multiple listings for the same business, using fake addresses, or attempting to manipulate search rankings through prohibited methods. It is essential to thoroughly familiarize yourself with Google’s guidelines and ensure compliance to prevent a GMB suspension.

Inconsistent Business Information

Maintaining consistent business information across all online platforms is essential, including your GMB listing. Inaccurate or inconsistent information such as mismatched addresses, phone numbers, or business names can lead to confusion among customers and damage your online credibility. Google places great importance on accurate information, and any discrepancies may result in a GMB suspension. Regularly review and update your GMB listing to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Fake or Spammy Reviews

Google takes the authenticity of customer reviews seriously, as they greatly influence a business’s reputation. Fake or spammy reviews, whether created by competitors or through unethical practices, violate Google’s guidelines and can lead to a GMB suspension. Google has sophisticated algorithms and systems in place to identify suspicious reviews, and if found guilty of engaging in such practices, your GMB listing may be suspended. Encourage genuine reviews from satisfied customers and promptly report any fake or spammy reviews to Google.

Misrepresentation or Inappropriate Content

Presenting your business accurately and professionally is crucial on the GMB platform. Misrepresenting your products, services, or business information can result in a GMB suspension. Additionally, sharing inappropriate content, including offensive or misleading images, posts, or descriptions, can also lead to penalties. Always ensure that your GMB listing accurately reflects your business and adheres to Google’s content policies.

Unauthorized Third-Party Access

Maintaining control over your GMB listing and preventing unauthorized access is vital. If a third party gains access to your GMB account and engages in prohibited activities or violates Google’s guidelines, your listing may be suspended. Be cautious when granting access to your GMB account and regularly review the users with access to ensure their legitimacy and trustworthiness.


Why hire Us?

  • Companies charging upfront payment will not be motivated to do multiple follow-ups it takes after your initial reinstatement request is denied. Since we do not charge any upfront payment so getting your listing back online is our top priority as we get paid once the job is complete

  • We have reinstated over 1500 listings. Not many have the depth of experience that we have.

  • A number of clients come to us with cases wherein the other so called reinstatement experts they hired were not able to reinstate the listings. With the depth of experience we have we were able to reinstate those listings

  • We understand how a suspended listing means a drop in call volume and how important it is to get you back online

  • We dont have a sales team like others. Hence our charges are reasonable. You can expect to hear back from us almost instantly or within a few hours of your message

Stay ahead in the Online World


  • Audit Google Listing

  • Optimize Google Listing

  • Create 5 Graphic Designs

  • Improve Social Presence

₹ 4999

one time

Select Plans


  • Audit Google Listing

  • Optimize Google Listing

  • Create 5 Graphic Designs

  • Improve Social Presence

  • 5 Local Directory Listing

₹ 6999

one time

Select Plans


  • Audit Google Listing

  • Optimize Google Listing

  • Create 10 Graphic Designs

  • Improve Social Presence

  • 10 Local Directory Listing

₹ 7999

one time

Select Plans

Mobile Number Verification Issue handling

There are several reasons behind it & required verification with documents in Google Business Profile.Some of them are mentoned below.

It's due to the fact that either you are using previous suspended/disabled profile's mobile no. or your mobile number was associated with other business activities in past which Google can detect easily by AI now. Additional documentations are required for verification to display mobile number. Consultation charges will be applicable

How to Recover from a Google My Business Suspension?

  • Understand the Reason for Suspension:

    Before taking any action, it’s crucial to understand why your GMB listing was suspended. Google typically provides a reason for the suspension in the email notification you receive. Common reasons include guideline violations, fake reviews, or inconsistent business information. Carefully review the email and associated guidelines to identify the specific issue.

  • Once you’ve identified the reason for the suspension, take immediate action to rectify the issue. For example: Guideline Violations: Review Google’s guidelines thoroughly and ensure compliance. Address any violations by making the necessary changes to your GMB listing.

  • Identify any fake reviews on your GMB listing and promptly report them to Google. Focus on obtaining genuine reviews from satisfied customers to outweigh any potential negative impact.

  • Review and update your business information on GMB to ensure accuracy and consistency across all platforms. Appeal the Suspension:

    To initiate the recovery process, submit an appeal to Google. You can do this by following the instructions provided in the suspension email. Be sure to present a clear and concise explanation of the steps you’ve taken to rectify the issue and your commitment to complying with Google’s guidelines moving forward. Include any relevant documentation, such as proof of address or ownership, if requested.

  • Depending on the nature of the suspension, Google may require additional documentation to verify your business’s legitimacy. This could include documents such as business licenses, utility bills, or legal identification. Ensure you provide the requested documentation promptly and accurately to expedite the recovery process.

    Seek Assistance from Google My Business Support:If you’re facing challenges during the recovery process or require further clarification, reach out to Google My Business support. They can provide guidance, answer questions, and assist you in resolving the suspension effectively. Contact options may include email support or seeking help through the Google My Business Help Center.

  • After successfully reinstating your GMB listing, it’s crucial to monitor and maintain compliance with Google’s guidelines moving forward. Regularly review your listing, address customer feedback promptly, and keep your business information accurate and up to date. This proactive approach will help prevent future suspensions and maintain a positive online presence.

Contact Us

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C block, Sarthak galaxy, Indore, Umariya, M.P.,453331



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